Rev. Dr. Jaime Clark-Soles has authored several books and contributed to numerous publications, both in print and online. Some of her writings, essays, and BLOG posts can be found through the following links. For a complete list of Dr. Clark-Soles’s publications, visit the Curriculum Vitae tab.


Books Written

Book Chapters

“Characters Who Count: The Case of Nicodemus.” Pages 126-145 in Engaging with C. H. Dodd on the Gospel of John: Sixty Years of Tradition and Interpretation. Edited by Tom Thatcher and Catrin Williams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.  Characters Who Count, The Case of Nicodemus

Essays and Items in other Media

Society of Biblical Literature

 Introducing the Real Mary Magdalene

American Academy of Religion

 Landing That Perfect Job: It Takes A Village

ONScripture/Huffington Post


Ministry Matters

The Christian Citizen

Disability and the Bible

Documentary Film

Interviewee in the movie, Hellbound? – Directed by Kevin Miller and Produced by David Rempel

Invited Lectures and Papers

