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The Johannine literature

Jaime has spent decades immersed in the Gospel of John and creating resources that invite others to do the same. Dive in!

Jaime's publications on the Gospel of John


Reading John for Dear Life: a Spiritual Walk with the Gospel of John.  Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2016.


Engaging the Word: The New Testament and the Christian Believer. Louisville: Westminster John Knox Press, 2010. Ch. 4 treats the Synoptic Problem; ch. 6 is on the Historical Jesus.


Death and the Afterlife in the New Testament. London: T & T Clark, 2006. Ch. 3 is on John.


Scripture Cannot Be Broken: The Social Function of the Use of Scripture in the Fourth Gospel.  Leiden:  E.J. Brill, 2003.


“Experiencing God in the Gospel of John.” Interpretation. 77, no. 4 (October 2023): 346-357.​


“Israel’s Scriptures in John.” In The Old Testament in the New: Israel’s Scriptures in the New Testament and other Early Christian Writings. Edited by Matthias Henze and David Lincicum. Eerdmans, 2023.


“Love Embodied in Action—Ethics and Incarnation.” In Johannine Ethics: The Moral World of the Gospel and Epistles of John, eds. Sherri Brown and Christopher Skinner. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017. 


“Disability in the Johannine Literature (Gospel of John, 1-3 John, Apocalypse).” In The Bible and Disability: A Commentary, eds. Sarah J. Melcher, Mikeal C. Parsons, and Amos Yong. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2017.

“1, 2, 3 John.” Pages 691–710 in Hebrews, the General Epistles, and Revelation: Fortress Commentary on the Bible Study Edition. Edited by Margaret Aymer, Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, and David Sanchez. Minneapolis: Fortress, 2016.


“Introduction and Overview.” With Paul Anderson. In John, Jesus, and History, Vol. 3: Glimpses of Jesus through the Johannine Lens, eds. Paul N. Anderson and Felix Just, SJ. Atlanta/Leiden, SBL Press/E.J. Brill, 2015.


“John 14:1-7.” Pages 140-145 in Feasting on the Gospels—John, Volume 2: A Feasting on the Word Commentary, eds. Cynthia A. Jarvis and E. Elizabeth Johnson. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2015.


“John 14:8-14.” Pages 146-151 in Feasting on the Gospels—John, Volume 2: A Feasting on the Word Commentary, eds. Cynthia A. Jarvis and E. Elizabeth Johnson. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2015.


“John 14:15-17.” Pages 152-157 in Feasting on the Gospels—John, Volume 2: A Feasting on the Word Commentary, eds. Cynthia A. Jarvis and E. Elizabeth Johnson. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2015.


“‘The Jews’ in the Fourth Gospel.” Pages xi-xiv in Feasting on the Gospels—John, Volume 1: A Feasting on the Word Commentary, eds. Cynthia A. Jarvis and E. Elizabeth Johnson. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2015. Reproduced in Volume 2, pp. xi-xiv.


“Scripture Cannot Be Broken: The Social Function of the Use of Scripture in the Fourth Gospel.” Pages 95-117 in Abiding Words: The Use of Scripture in the Gospel of John. SBL Resources for Biblical Studies Series, eds. Alicia Myers and Bruce Schuchard. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2015.


“1, 2, 3 John.” Pages 691-710 in the Fortress Commentary on the Bible: The New Testament, eds. Margaret Aymer, Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, and David Sanchez. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014.


“Gospel of John; 1-3 John.” Pages 9-19 in Covenant Bible Study. Nashville: Abingdon, 2013.


“Characters Who Count: The Case of Nicodemus.” Pages 126-145 in Engaging with C. H. Dodd on the Gospel of John: Sixty Years of Tradition and Interpretation, eds. Tom Thatcher and Catrin Williams. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.


“Mary Magdalene: Beginning at the End.” Pages 626-640 in Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel: Narrative Approaches to Seventy Figures in John, eds. Steven A. Hunt, D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann.  Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2013.


“John 13: Of Footwashing and History.” Pages 255-269 in John, Jesus, and History, Vol. 2: Aspects of Historicity in the Gospel of John, eds. Paul N. Anderson, Felix Just, S.J., and Tom Thatcher. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2009. 


 “‘I Will Raise [Whom?] Up on the Last Day’: Anthropology as a Feature of Johannine Eschatology.” Pages 29-53 in New Currents Through John, eds. Francisco Lozada and Tom Thatcher. Hardcover edition: Leiden: Brill Academic Publishing. Paperback edition: Atlanta: SBL Publications, 2006.

Essays and Items in other Media

“Commentary on John 20:19-31.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. April 23, 2017.


“Christ the King: John 18:33-37.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (Nov. 25, 2012).


“All Saints Day: John 11:32-44.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (Nov. 4, 2012).


“Reformation Sunday: John 8:31-36.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (Oct. 28, 2012).


“Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost: John 6:56-69.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (August 26, 2012).


“Second Sunday after Epiphany: John 1:29-42.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (January 16, 2011).


“Second Sunday of Christmas: John 1: [1-9], 10-18.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (January 2, 2011).


“Seventh Sunday of Easter: John 17:1-11.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (May 4, 2008).


“Sixth Sunday of Easter: John 14:15-21.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (April 27, 2008).


“Fifth Sunday of Easter: John 14:1-14.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (April 20, 2008).


“Fourth Sunday of Easter: John 10:1-10.”, the Center for Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary. (April 13, 2008).

ON Scripture and Sojourners

“The Nasty Woman Who Persisted: The Samaritan Woman of John 4
(John 4:5-42).” March 13, 2017.


“To Build Coalitions, Follow the Example of the Samaritan Woman and Jesus.” Sojourners. March 13, 2017.

Covenant Bible Study

Video Presenter on the Gospel of John, Covenant Bible Study. Abingdon Press, 2014. DVD.

Disciple Bible Study

Video Presenter on “Invitation to John.” Disciple Bible Study. Abingdon Press, 2007. DVD.


Video Presenter on “Disciple I: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study.” Disciple Bible Study. Abingdon Press, 2005. DVD.


Video Presenter on “Jesus in the Gospels.” Disciple Bible Study. Abingdon Press, 2003. DVD.

Is your group studying Reading John for Dear Life?

Check out the material that St. Luke’s UMC – Houston developed under the creative leadership of Katie Montgomery Mears. It includes videos in which Dr. Clark-Soles discusses the Book of Glory (John 13–21) at St. Luke’s, plus weekly readings, daily reflections, and group questions for group use of Reading John. 

The book cover of "Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel: Narrative Approaches to Seventy Figures in John," featuring a scholarly design with a focus on the Fourth Gospel.

Hunt, Steven A., D. Francois Tolmie, and Ruben Zimmermann, eds.

Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel: Narrative Approaches to Seventy Figures in John.

Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016.

This resource covers every character in John (except the Trinity), named and unnamed—including, for instance, “the world.” The volume has several contributors (I wrote on Mary Magdalene). This is a great resource for preaching and teaching. It is now available in paperback, which makes it more affordable.

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